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Рецепт Fresh Salsa Chopped Salad
by Nikki Gladd

Fresh tomato and avocado salsa mixed with chopped romaine leaves, with a spiced lime juice dressing. Perfect for a light lunch or to start off a summer meal.

Can I tell you how excited I am about my progress with losing my baby weight? Remember I told you that I started keeping track of my calories intake about a month ago, using an app called My Fitness Pal. My goal was to lose weight and get into the habit of eating lighter. At the same time, I started running 2-3 times per week, to prep for a 5K next week.

Guess what? I lost SIX pounds total in four weeks. Woot woot! I now weigh less than I did when I got pregnant with Simon, and my goal is to lose just a couple more pounds to get back to the weight I was before I had Judah.

During this short journey, I have already shrunk my appetite. Before, I always ate way more than Ben at every meal. Pizza night, I would eat like 4 slices. Chick-fil-a night? Upsize that meal, baby! Now, I have no trouble with portion control and limit myself to 2 pizza slices and entree only at “the Chick”. That entree? The Grilled Chicken Sandwich.

As far as home cooking? I still eat the same things (it’s all about moderation, folks), but I’ve become more interested in healthier recipes. Obviously, from last week’s dessert post, you know I’m not converting to a healthy blog. No, not at all. BUT, I do want to grill more, eat fresh ingredients more, use less butter, eat more veggies, etc. So, anyway, this is a recipe that developed because of my new-found obsession with tracking my calories and eating a little healthier. ;)

Fresh Salsa Chopped Salad

Fresh salsa combined with chopped lettuce and a lime juice dressing.

In a large bowl, toss together the tomatoes, lettuce, garlic, green bell pepper, onion and avocado; set aside. In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, lime juice, cumin, salt and pepper. Stir in the cilantro, then drizzle over the salad bowl. Toss lightly to coat. Serve immediately.2.2


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