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Рецепт Fresh Blueberry Sherbet
by Lois B

After success earlier this week with a pineapple sherbet made mainly with fresh fruit, I had to try it with something else. Blueberries are plentiful and cheap right now, so they were the perfect candidate. Rather than freezing it for later, we served this sherbet right after blending, the texture was perfect. Soft and smooth, but not soupy.

I found the frozen blueberries more difficult to blend than the frozen pineapple, but I am using a little immersion blender rather than a big food processor. It worked best, if I started with just a small amount of blueberries with the milk and kept adding berries, a few tablespoons at a time, as it became smooth.



Process all ingredients in blender or food processor until smooth

Add a more milk if needed, a tablespoon at a time

Can be frozen to serve later, remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving

Serves 2 - 3