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Рецепт French Onion Soup Sandwiches
by Shannon Millisor


Meatless Monday! French Onion Soup Sandwiches!

I really love going to farmers markets,

there are usually so many different fruits, vegetables, and crafts that

you don't see everyday in a retail store or a grocery store. If they are in the

store then they are from somewhere far away usually so one of the definite

benefits of a farmers markets is that the food is typically grown locally. I

have a farmer's market near my house where everything is grown within a 30 mile

radius I think, pretty cool if you ask me.

My sister has an amazing variety of

farmer's markets near her house, and by near I also include available by taking

the metro system which could still be a hop and a skip. She was at one of them

a few weeks ago and found a hot chocolate pepper. She is a big fan of spicy

foods and knows that I am to so she called and asked if I wanted her to pick

one up for me. Yes, yes please. I had no idea what I was going to do with it,

but anything called a hot chocolate pepper must be good, right? Right. So she

bought one for me and wrapped it carefully and a few days later I had it and

was so excited. I mulled over all sorts of ideas to put it in because this

isn't an everyday pepper that you pick up at the grocery store (maybe for some

of you, but not for me).

She used it on a pizza and in a pork

dish. I thought about the pizza idea but decided on slicing it super thin in

rings and cooking it with the onions to make French Onion Soup Sandwiches. This

was an awesome plan, just so you know. Also, this is no jalapeno, this pepper

has some kick to it. If you don't like spicy, it's not for you. Apparently,

after doing a little research I realized there is a hot chocolate pepper and a

hot chocolate habenero pepper. I don't recommend getting those two confused for

seemingly obvious reasons. I used the whole pepper in these sandwiches but we

really like heat in our food so for a little bit of kick, I would use a more

mild pepper or only half of the hot chocolate pepper.

I also used a mix of vidalia onions and

red onions, I'm wild like that, mixing things up. Feel free to use whatever

onions you like, yellow, white, red, or vidalia. I don't recommend green though

:). One of the great things about french onion soup is the caramelized onion

(or the melted cheese) and these help bring out the nicely caramelized onions

perfectly. There are times when I will cook my onions for an hour or two on

"2" or "3" on my stove just to let them cook slowly and

come back and stir them every 15-20 minutes until I like their color. You could

also use a different cheese if you like, but I like provolone, it's easy to

obtain and is pre-sliced. I wish I would have taken more pictures, or better

pictures? but I was really excited and it was already dark outside so I missed

my opportunity with the natural light. You should definitely give them a try

and come back and let me know what you think.

In other news, I know I've been sparse in

my posts the past few weeks and that does make me sad. I've been super busy. We

are moving in one week and so things are disappearing from my kitchen into

boxes and we are trying to use up our food for the most part so we don't have

to move it. We are moving back to Virginia (from North Carolina) and so we have

enough stuff without bags and coolers or food. I'm hoping to post one or two

more posts this week but then I am hoping to get back to regular posts after

the move. I just wanted everyone to know that I haven't been forgetting or

moving on to other things, other things are just taking priority right now and

so I'm sharing when I can, which is not as often as even I would like because

there are so many ideas in my head.

On a brighter note, today is the first

day of the BlogCon conference which is an online conference I'm attending and

I'm super excited. We are going to learn so much about our blogs and how

to make them as awesome as possible for all of you, our lovely readers that we

are so grateful to have! I am so thankful for everyone who checks my blog and

reads it, and I get all excited when someone tries a recipe and shares their

thoughts, or just comments. Thank you to everyone for that!

Now on to the recipe since I think this

is the longest post I have ever written :)

French Onion Soup


Makes 2


- 1


1. In a

medium skillet heat the butter and olive oil over medium heat until the butter

is melted. Add the onions, pepper, salt and pepper, and garlic. Saute in pan at

least 20 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent burning. If desired, cook on

low-medium heat for 30-40 minutes. The longer you cook the onions the more

caramelized they will be.

2. Add

in the worchestershire sauce and red wine, stir to combine. Let the mixture

cook about 5 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed.


Meanwhile, butter one side of each slice of sourdough bread and heat another

small/medium skillet over medium-high heat (I use 7 on my stove). When

the onion mixture is ready then place one slice of bread buttered side down in

the small/medium skillet and top with half of the onion mixture, one slice of

provolone cheese, and another piece of bread, butter side up. Cool 2-3 minutes

or until light golden brown on one side, then gently flip the sandwich to

lightly brown the other side, another 2-3 minutes. Repeat with the remaining

ingredients to make another sandwich. Serve warm.

This is an original recipe

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