Рецепт Fowler's Fancy Fruit Cake

- Preheat oven to 220c/425f/Gas 7. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
- 1 For the Rose Petals: Brush rose petals with egg white, sprinkle with caster sugar, and leave to dry.
- 2 For the Peach and Raspberry Charlotte: Heat the butter in a frying pan and add in sugar, peach slices, orange and lemon zest. Saute/fry for one minute, add in the sherry and 25g/1oz raspberries and cook for a further minute.
- 3 Use a 10cm/4" cutter to cut out four circles from the Madeira cake slices. Put a circle in the base of each cutter and use more slices to line the sides.
- 4 Spoon the peach and raspberry mix into the lined moulds, cover with more circles of cake, press down the lids and bake for 15 min.
- 5 For the Caramel Baskets: In a heavy based pan dissolve the sugar in 4 tbsp water on a low heat and boil till golden.
- 6 Using a spoon, drizzle the caramel over an upturned ladle to create a basket and leave to set.
- 7 For the Vanilla Creme Fraiche: Split the vanilla pod, scrape out the seeds and mix into the creme fraiche.
- 8 For the Raspberry Coulis: Put a few raspberries to one side, then liquidise the remainder with 1 tbsp icing sugar and pass through a sieve.
- 9 Place each peach and raspberry charlotte in the centre of a plate, spoon over the creme fraiche and raspberry coulis and place the caramel basket over the top. Finally garnish with raspberries and mint sprigs.