Рецепт Flour Frosting
I'm not sure where we were when I saw them...various flavors, neatly wrapped, moist and delicious. Whoopie Pies. I didn't buy one and I've been thinking of them ever since. Thus our Sunday project, to make homemade whoopie pies. Which neither of us have ever done before. Should be interesting. We started by finding a recipe on Cooks.com that called for ingredients we thought we had in the house. We had to beg the neighbor for some baking cocoa but luckily she was home and had some to spare. Then we called my mom for her famous "Flour Frosting" recipe. We gathered the ingredients, took out the KitchenAid and went to work. After what felt like hours, we had whoopie pies. Not the best whoopie pies we ever had, but the creamy, sugary frosting made up for the dry, somewhat flavorless cakes. If you have a good whoopie pie recipe, please pass it along! We need one! In exchange, here is the recipe for Flour Frosting.
- 5 tablespoons flour
- 1 cup milk
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 cup shortening
- 1/2 cup softened butter
In a medium saucepan, cook the flour and milk over medium heat, whisking constantly until it turns into a ball. Cover and refrigerate until cold. Beat the remaining ingredients together very well, then blend them with the cold flour/milk mixture until you have fluffy frosting to spread on your favorite cake, cupcake or cookie.