Рецепт Flounder Or Sole Poach

- There was barely sufficient liquid to poach 3/4 lb of fish in. I would definitely increase the liquid poaching ingredients.**
- Combine lemon juice and lowfat milk with 1/2 C water in a skillet and bring to a boil. Add in fillets and poach for 3 minutes. Remove fillets to shallow baking dish. Simmer liquid till it boils down to half. Add in mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in remaining ingredients. Pour mushroom mix over fillets. Brown under broiler for 1 minutes.
- Yields: 4 servings
- Selection: Depending on the species, the sizes of flounder and sole vary greatly. They are sold either dressed whole or possibly as fillets,that may weigh from 4 - 12 ozs. Purchase 1/2 lb whole fish or possibly 1/3 lb fillets per serving.
- Preparation: The appeal of both flounder and sole is its hard, white flesh, fine texture and delicate flavor. They are successfully fried, baked, broiled and stuffed.
- AKA: Sand dabs, Greenland turbot, blackbacks, plaice.
- What is it Is it flounder or possibly is it sole In this country (US), it is almost always flounder, even if it is called sole. Several species of flounder are harvested by otter trawl from the Atlantic, Pacific an Gulf Coasts and are available year-round. The most commonly harvested is the west coast's "dover-sole". True sole is imported from France and England.
- Any typos are due to my possessed computer !!
- This was quite good!