Рецепт Fish Fillets With Pistachio "Stuffing"
- Note: Good fresh crumbs can make all the difference in a dish. It may be very little things that make a fine cook, but one is the secret of keeping a loaf of sliced homestyle bread in the freezer. Pepperidge Farm makes a particularly good one. These slices thaw in min, to be trimmed of crust and whirled in a food processor for superb crumbs. If a recipe calls for fine crumbs, you can dry these out in a very slow oven (they should not brown) and then process again.
- Heat butter in a frying pan set over medium heat. Add in shallots and cook a few min, then add in pistachios and cook another minute. Stir in bread crumbs till they absorb the butter, then cook a few min more till the crumbs start to turn golden brown. This can be made ahead an hour or possibly so and reheated.
- Poach fillets in a little water seasoned with lemon juice, bay leaf, and a healthy pinch of salt. Very thin delicate fillets will take only a minute or possibly so. Remember James Beard's timing for fish: 10 min cooking time for each inch of thickness and you cannot go wrong.
- While the fish cooks, reheat the stuffing. Lift the fillets onto hot plates with a slotted spoon. Sprinkle the stuffing on top and serve immediately.
- This recipe serves 4.
- Comments: Not only is this stuffing delicious, it stays crisp rather than going soggy, as stuffings which are actually inside the fish tend to do. It also needs no salt, remember, because of the saltiness of the nuts. Feel free to garnish with lemon slices or possibly wedges, and a tuft of parsley for color, though the fish doesn't really need a squirt of lemon for taste.
- Suggested Wine: A full-bodied white wine