Рецепт First GiveAway of 2010! And find out how to get your recipe published in my next cookbook!
WOW it is somekinda chilly here this morning. Its a little after 6 a.m. and the mercury says its 22F and it “feels like” 14F. What does that mean? Is it 22 or is it 14? Even the little birdies are trying to stay warm!
I will have to check their feeders today. And put out some warmer water for them. I am sure there is not a drop of water outside that isn’t frozen.
I hope you can all manage to stay warm today – being inside will likely be your best bet! While you are in sipping your hot beverage, why not leave me a comment and consider yourself entered in the first GiveAway of 2010! Yep! You heard me! Tell me about your very favorite winter beverage and leave me the recipe if you like. What’s the prize you ask? Oh, there is more than one prize!! You can win one of these:
Now, about the other brainstorm I had! How about a Friends of NotQuiteJuneCleaver cookbook! Sound like fun??? Yeah, I thought so too! I will give you more details as I get them finalized. The title of the book is “Friends of NotQuiteJuneCleaver Cook!” You know you want to join me in this project! Here are the things I do know for sure:
I need you and your help/input/recipes if this is going to happen!
each recipe will bear the name of the person submitting it
photos of the recipe are welcome – color please! (used at my discretion)
photos of you are welcome as well how about in your favorite apron?
recipes need to be tried and true and double/triple checked for accuracy please
you may submit more than one recipe if they are in different categories (example: a cookie, a casserole, a side)
contributors will be able to buy as many copies as you wish at cost plus shipping – naturally the more pages, the more it will cost but I will keep it below $20US before shipping (this isn’t a commercial project for me) I will be donating my time putting it together
since I have set a $$ limit this means a page limit so as soon as you have all the info, get your recipes/photos/info in!
recipes from places other than the US are MORE THAN welcome, but please give US measurements along with your usual measurements.
Does this sound like fun or what!? I will be posting all the particulars on how to submit your recipes, photos, deadlines etc by next Friday in a separate post from the giveaway post. I would love to have this project ready for your consumption by Mother’s Day 2010. Can we do this? Let’s do our best! I will be working on two other cookbooks along with this one, so your contributions are essential. If you don’t participate, it won’t happen!
Let’s start 2010 off with some fun!
And why don’t you join us over at the NotQuiteJuneCleaver Forums!