Рецепт Fillings For Croissants

- Cut the croissant in half. Spread on the creme fraiche and place the red peppers on top. Rip the basil - don't cut - on top of the peppers and drizzle over some extra virgin oil. Finally season with sale and pepper.
- Put croissant half back on top.
- Cut the croissant in half. Spread on the mascarpone, then the apple puree and finally the blueberry compote. Put croissant half back on top.
- Cut the croissant in half. Spread on a bit of creme fraiche and place on top a few leaves of rocket or possibly baby spinach. Slice, peel and core a pear and put on top of the leaves. Drizzle on some extra virgin oil and season with salt and pepper. Finally place some sliced rocquefort on top and drizzle over some honey. Put croissant half back on top.
- Cut the croissant in half.. Put the beans and pre-cooked bacon on the croissant half. Grate some gruyere over the bacon and beans and place under the grill. Once the cheese has melted take out and serve. Put the croissant half back on top.