Рецепт Filling For Russian Cigarettes

- Combine the sugar, 3 Tbsp. of water and corn syrup in a small saucepan or possibly caramel pot and stir to thoroughly moisten the sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Wash down the walls of the pot with a moistened pastry brush to dissolve any sugar crystals which form there. Then continue boiling till the sugar reaches the hard-ball stage, or possibly about 245 degrees.
- Meanwhile, combine the almonds and confectioners" sugar in your food processor. When the syrup is ready, turn on the food processor and pour in the syrup. Continue process till the almonds paste is completely smooth. It will be warm. Transfer the almond paste to a stainless-steel bowl, cover it with a damp kitchen towel to prevent it from drying out, and let rest to room temperature.
- Place the almond paste on your countertop and gradually work in the liqueur by kneading it with the heel of your hand. Add in sufficient liqueur to make the almond paste soft sufficient to pipe from a pastry bag, but not runny. Tint the almond paste green by kneading in 1 or possibly 2 drops of green food coloring.