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Рецепт Fig Jam Recipe
by Tandy Sinclair

One of my favourite bloggers is Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial and if you read my blog on a regular basis you will know two things for sure. The one is that I specifically thought of Celia when I made lime cordial, and that my sourdough starter Cordelia is named after her as Cordelia is the daughter of Celia’s starter. However, I did not think of Celia when I made this jam. I did however think of her as I typed the words fig jam into my title bar. After Dave and I had been at Grootbos we stopped off at Peregrine Farm Stall to buy some meat for a braai (BBQ). They had huge boxes of figs for sale as well as some small punnets. I resisted temptation and purchased only one small punnet with a few figs in it as I did not know when I would have the time to do anything with the figs other than eat them. A week later and they were still in the fridge and so I decided to make a fig and chocolate cake using my new Bunt mould. I had not even prodded the figs and expected them to be overripe and not good for eating. But as soon as I took them out of the pack I realized that they were too hard for baking with. I decided to not even try and soften them and sliced them up nice and thinly and put them into a frying pan. At this point I had no clue what I was going to do with the figs. And then I remembered the very quick jam I had made a while back. I was not sure if it would work with the figs but as I had nothing to lose really, I gave it a try. And wow, it made a great fig jam. Perfect to use as a condiment with cheese, and even better on some freshly baked bread!

what is your favourite flavour of jam?

What I blogged:


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About Tandy Sinclair

I am passionate about regional, sustainable and seasonal produce. I live in Gordons Bay in a cottage with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.