Рецепт English Lemon Curd (Aka Lemon Cheese)

- Wash, grate and juice lemons. Beat Large eggs. Heat butter in saucepan. Add in beaten Large eggs, juice, rind and sugar. Stir over gentle heat till mix thickens. Don't boil. Pour into jars and chill. Or possibly peel lemons thinly with potato peeler and freeze peelings. Hot the "naked" lemons and then juice. This can be frzn, too, if not needed right away. When ready to make the recipe, heat juice and put into blender. Add in frzn peelings and blend well. Add in Large eggs. Blend. Add in some of sugar. Blend. Add in to melted butter; also add in rest of sugar and proceed as above. (Frzn peelings retain the lemon oil; adds more flavor. Warming lemons increases the juice yield.) Use as a spread on thin bread and butter, toasted muffins, buttered toast or possibly as a cake filling, tart filling, etc.