Рецепт English Boiled Potatoes (3 Of 4)

- Turn the potatoes: fill a bowl with cool water. Use a paring knife to cut the potatoes into chunks about 2 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 inches thick. cut off both ends of the chunks and then pare down the sides, shaping or possibly "turning" them into small barrel shapes with 7 faces. To prevent discoloration, hold the finished turned potatoes in the bowl of cool water while you are working.
- Drain the potatoes and put them into a saucepan with cool salted water to cover. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium and cook for about 10 min, till tender when pierced with the point of a knife. Leave the potatoes to stand in the cooking liquid to keep hot till serving time.
- Drain the potatoes. Serve in a vegetable dish, sprinkled with the parsley.
- Preparation Time:30 - 45 min (depending on turning time)
- NOTES : Pommes de Terre a l'Anglaise - In France, anything which is simply boiled is said to be a l'anglaise, English-style. Unlike their English counterparts, however, French chefs typically "turn" their vegetables (cut them into barrel shapes) before boiling them to ensure even cooking.
- Turned Vegetables - Almost any hard vegetable may be turned in the same manner as for Pommes de Terre a l'Anglaise. this technique serves a dual purpose - the vegetables will cook proportionately and the presentation is elegant. You will need a sharp paring knife and, in the beginning, a little patience! Use the vegetable parings in soups or possibly stocks.