Рецепт Easy Microwave Potato Chips

- If the potatoes are new or good skins, DO NOT PEEL, just scrub well, then slice them less than 1/16" in thickness (paper thin), slicing across the potato.
- Place potato slices in a bowl, sprinkle with some salt (if desired) cover with cold water and let sit for 10 minutes.
- Remove potato slices in batches onto paper toweling and pat dry.
- If you have a microwave bacon tray, rub the tray with a vegetable oil, then place the sliced potatoes flat on the tray in a single layer.
- Sprinkle with your choice of herbs or spices or just leave them plain.
- Cover with a microwaveable, round heavy plastic cover.
- Microwave on HIGH (full power) for 5 to 5 1/2 minutes or until they curl slightly and are a very light brown in color.
- Cooking time could vary slightly, depending on the wattage of your microwave and the thickness of the slices. The thinner the slices, the quicker they cook and the tastier they are.
- You do not have to turn the sliced potatoes over.
- If you do not have a bacon tray, use a microwave safe casserole dish.
- Rub the inside of the dish with some olive oil for the first batch of potato chips.
- I do not know why, but I find that if you do not rub oil the first time, some chips will tend to stick to the dish.
- After the first batch is done, you do not have to rub the dish again.
- Continue to microwave the remainder of sliced potatoes as noted above.
- If using a bacon tray, after the first batch is cooked, you can reduce the microwaving time to 4 1/2 minutes and even less as you continue to microwave each batch.