Рецепт Easy Does It
When you’re excited about a new endeavor, do you just want to plow forward to get to the end result? Forget about all that middle of the way stuff? I’m that way. I want to take advantage of all that excited energy just in case I lose it.
Saturday I ran 7.3 miles and wasn’t tired or sore. I just can’t imagine myself not being able to run 15 miles, for example. Ted tells me I’m crazy. He says “It doesn’t work that way, Joanne. You’re going to get hurt”. I know he’s right and in my plan, there is no time or room for aches, pains, or injury. I have to keep telling myself, “stick to the program and don’t do too much too soon“. So what am I doing this week? I’m skipping ahead a week. I know….I know…”didn’t she just say…???!!!”. But I have a great excuse. Excuses, actually:
1. I wasn’t tired after my Sat. run. Maybe not a legit. excuse. 2. We are going away for a few days on the 31st and I’d rather do a shorter distance that week than longer before our trip. You’ll know why when I tell you about that trip – more another day. 3. I want to feed off this energy before it wanes. IF it wanes.
This is the resulting workout schedule for the week. It should be week 3 but I am doing week 4 first and week 3 next week. That sounds confusing.
Monday- Completed: 30 min. run + 30 min. weights (chest & biceps) + 3.52 mile run with Shane. Total miles: 6.82
Tuesday: 35 min. cross train + 30 min. weights + 50 min. walk with Shane.
Wednesday: 55 min. T/M run + 25 min. weights + 35 min. walk with Shane.
Thursday: 30 min. cross train + 30 min. weights + 3 + mile run with Shane.
Friday: 60 minute walk
Saturday: 9 mile run
Sunday: Open (could be running, could be walking…we’ll see what happens).
What fuel do I need for this? Same as usual. There is no great change to my workouts really so I don’t need to inhale a lot more energy. I stick to my oats, my protein, fruits….
Breakfast today: A fruit salad to share with Ted: 1 mango, sliced. 1 apple, sliced. 6 strawberries, halved.
Oats: 1/4 cup steel cut oats mixed with cream of rice. 2 TBS Apple Cider. 1 TBS raisins. 1/2 tsp cinnamon.
Protein: 1 scoop Spiru-Tein Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl. 1 TBS Powdered Peanut Butter. Water & Ice. 1/2 a banana blended in.
When you get an idea in your head, do you jump into it with unending energy and excitement or do you take your time, think it through to determine if the idea is something you really want to do?