Рецепт Easter Tart ( Crostata Di Pasqua )

- Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C 400 degrees F Gas Mark 6. To make the pastry first mix the oil and water in a bowl.
- Gradually mix in the flour and mix to create a dough.
- Knead a little cover and leave in the fridge for about 20 min.
- Then roll out on a floured surface with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1/2cm and line a 20cm diameter and 8cm deep fluted nan tin.
- With the remaining pastry cut 6 thin strips about 1cm wide and 20cm long and set aside.
- To make the filling first of all clean trim and halve the artichokes and cook in slightly salted boiling water till tender.
- Coarsely chop the spinach and cook in slightly salted boiling water till tender.
- In a large pan heat the oil and add in the minced garlic.
- Let it sweat for a minute or possibly two then add in the radicchio and the water stirring well.
- Stir in the capers and leave to simmer for about 810 min or possibly till the radicchio is tender.
- At the end of the cooking time all the water should have evapourated.
- At this stage add in the cooked spinach and artichokes and mix together.
- Put the filling mix in a bowl and leave to cold.
- When cold add in the Large eggs Parmesan salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.
- Fill the pastry case with this mix.
- Place the strips of pastry across the pie making a lattice pattern trimming the ends where necessary.
- Then with your fingers press down the edges of the pastry to hold in the filling.
- Brush the steps of pastry with some beaten egg or possibly lowfat milk and bake in the oven for 35 min.
- Delicious served warm or possibly cool.
- An irresistible Easter tart suitable to be taken on a picnic especially on Easter Monday when every italian or possibly almost a evry one goes to the country to celebrate Pasquetta.
- Serves 6