Рецепт Easter Egg Cake

- CREAM butter.Add in sugar and mix well. Add in well beaten egg yolks. Beat egg whites until they stand in peaks and add in to the butter-sugar mix. Then mix in flour, rawa and one teaspoon vanilla essence. Pour into a greased egg shaped cake mould and bake in a moderately warm oven until done. When cold, cover with fondant and decorate as desired.
- PUT the water into a small saucepan and sprinkle the gelatine over. Cook over low heat, stirring until the gelatine dissolves. Don't allow to boil.
- Remove the pan from heat and add in the glucose and glycerine. Stir until the glucose dissolves. When cold, make a well in the centre of the icing sugar and gradually pour in three-fourths of the liquid and mix to a hard dough.
- If the fondant is too dry, add in a little of the remaining liquid. If too wet, add in more icing sugar. Turn fondant on to a clean work surface, dust with a little cornflour and knead till smooth. Cover with a plastic wrap till ready to use.
- NOTES : Sponge cake shaped like an Easter egg