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Рецепт Drying Cherries
by Eliot

Drying Cherries

By Eliot, on July 29th, 2015

During a recent Cook the Books foray into Robin Mather’s The Feast Nearby, I had earmarked many, many recipes to try during the growing season.

One of these recipes (or rather a “How To” guide) was dehydrating cherries.

I love dried cherries and can snack on them often. I love baking recipes that call for dried cherries.

I hate the price of dried cherries. So, when I was reading The Feast Nearby and came across Mather’s instructions, I knew that I would give this a try as soon as I was able.

How to Dry Cherries

Adapted from Robin Mather in The Feast Nearby

1 lb. of sweet cherries

Wash cherries and allow to dry well. Remove stems, pit, and halve each cherry. Place cherries in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with a silicon pad or parchment paper.

Before the drying process.

Optional drying methods:

I am fortunate enough to have a “dehydrate” setting on my convection oven. (One that I recently just realized I had and this recipe marks the first time I have used it.) On this setting, I preheated the oven to 160 degrees F. I started with a two-hour time limit, but soon added a third hour (and a fourth and a fifth). I think my total time was 6ish hours. I then just turned the oven off and left them in over night.

According to Mather, these are the temperatures and times when using a food dehydrator. “Dry the cherries at 160 F. for 2-3 hours, then turn the temperature down to 130 F. until the cherries are dry and pliable, with no pockets of moisture.”

If using a traditional oven, Mather writes to “turn the oven to its lowest setting and prop the door open slightly by placing a wooden spoon near the top of the oven door. Arrange the cherries cut side up on baking sheets in a single layer….It will take 12 to 24 hours for the cherries to dry.”

I did not have to stir my cherries as they dried.


Some drying methods recommend to sulfurize the cherries before drying. I did not want to to this so my cherries became pretty dark.

I used some of the swag from #HotSummerEats to pit the cherries: Casabella’s Cherry Pitter. See Cherry-Almond Crunch Chicken Salad for more details about this handy little gadget.

Hopefully I will post a recipe soon using up these homemade dried jewels.

Stay tuned for a very-cherry-conserve.

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