Рецепт Drunken Peaches #SundaySupper
These Drunken Peaches, soaking up the spirit of bourbon, are captured in a jar to ensure summer flavors last throughout the year. Drunken Peaches Save Print Prep time Cook time Total time Author: Marlene Baird Serves: 6 Ingredients 1 lemon 5 lb fresh freestone peaches 3 cups water 2.5 C sugar or 3 vanilla beans, halved crosswise 1 tsp sea salt (or kosher salt) 6 orange slices ¾ Cup bourbon 6 pint canning jars, lids and bands Directions In a canning pot, bring water to a boil. Fill a large bowl ⅔ full of ice water. Cut lemon in half, and squeeze juice into ice water. Working in batches, place peaches in the canning basket and into the boiling water and blanch for one minute. Place immediately in the ice water and lemon mixture. Get the canning pot ready with fresh water and turn up the heat to medium to get it ready for the jars. When the peaches are cool enough to handle, peel the peaches. The skins should slide off easy. Cut the peaches in half, remove the pit and cut each half into four slices. Return to the lemon juice mixture to prevent browning. In a large sauce pan, stir together 3 cups of water and the sugar. Split vanilla bean halves lengthwise; scrape out the seeds using the flat side of your knife. Add vanilla bean and seeds to sugar mixture; cook over medium-high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Allow the mixture to simmer gently while you fill your jars. Place 1 orange slice and 1 vanilla bean half in each jar. Drain the lemon filled water from the bowl of peaches and tightly pack peach slices into jars. Remove hot syrup from heat and ladle hot syrup into jars leaving 1.5 inch of headspace. Remove air bubbles and wipe each jar rim. Apply lids and rings, adjusting them finger-tight. Process jars in prepared canning pot for 25 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Turn off heat and remove the pot lid. Allow the jars to rest for 5 minutes. Remove jars and cool. Wordpress Recipe Plugin by EasyRecipe 3.5.3208 Capturing the essence of summer in a jar can seem daunting. There are so many incredible elements about summer that’s it’s nearly impossible to decide what to encapsulate.
This is exactly how I feel about this August weekend.
Ten years ago I said “I Do” to the most wonderful, kind, loving, funny man that was meant just for me. He lifted me up through tough times like when I was diagnosed with breast cancer — months before our wedding date. Or held me close when I lost my job and told me this “too shall pass”. When six people lived under one roof as we struggled to make two separate families become one, he told funny stories. We have laughed every single day of our lives.
I love it when he changes the subject when he knows I’m right. Or how I sneak ingredients into his food he would not otherwise eat. I adore the fact that he encouraged me to start this blog.
I enjoy hearing his stories over and over again and love to tell them myself. Clearly not as good as he tells a story though.
I’m glad to have all these great memories and there is no way that I could choose one to capture the essence of our love. He is my peach. My fuzzy, sweet delicious place all my own. Here’s to capturing more memories in the years to come.
Check out all the other ingenius ways you can capture Summer.
How to Harvest Summer Recipes:
Blackberry Lemon Thyme Syrup by Sunday Supper Movement
Brinjal pickle (Indian eggplant relish/aubergine chutney) by Caroline’s Cooking
Freezer Mixed Berry Puree by Cindy’s Recipes and Writings
Ginger Fig Jam by Palatable Pastime
Herbed Salsa by What Smells So Good?
Homemade Giardiniera by Curious Cuisiniere
Homemade Sriracha by Monica’s Table
Hot Pepper Oil by Feeding Big and more
Mediterranean Chutney by Wholistic Woman
Nanny’s 7-Day Sweet Pickles by Grumpy’s Honeybunch
Nectarine Kumquat Habanero Chutney by Food Lust People Love
No Pectin Mixed Berry Jam by My Imperfect Kitchen
Peach Butter by Redhead Baker
Pear Ginger Jam by Hezzi-D’s Books and Cooks
Roasted Garlic by Cricket’s Confections
Simple Basil Butter by Momma’s Meals
Simple Blueberry Jam by The Chef Next Door
Spicy Mango Jam by Family Foodie
Tomato and Chili Pepper Jam by Delaware Girl Eats
Main dishes
Chicken & Mango Summer Kabobs by April Golightly
Grilled Peach and Burrata Pizza by An Appealing Plan
How to Freeze Zucchini and Summer Squash + Zucchini and Summer Squash-Pasta Soup by The Weekend Gourmet
Oven Roasted Tomato Basil Marinara Sauce by Renee’s Kitchen Adventures
Garden Rice by Basic N Delicious
Pickled Asian Vegetables by A Mind Full Mom
Pickled Green Beans by Nik Snacks
Tomato Tart with Pesto Quinoa Crust by Simple and Savory
Homemade Fruit Leather by A Kitchen Hoor’s Adventures
Slow Cooker Cinnamon Apple Sauce by Books n’ Cooks
Blueberry Pie for the Freezer by That Skinny Chick Can Bake
Chocolate Zucchini Banana Muffins by The Bitter Side of Sweet
Chocolate Zucchini Bread by Asian In America
Drunken Peaches by Nosh My Way
How to Freeze Peaches and Make Peach Sauce by The Freshman Cook
Mom’s Zucchini Bread by Cosmopolitan Cornbread
Peach Yogurt Popsicles by Food Done Light
Summer Fruit Crisp by Pies and Plots
Summer Fruit Popsicles by Powered By BLING
Berry Shrubs + A Cocktail by Culinary Adventures with Camilla
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