Рецепт Deep Fried Shrimp Balls

- Trim crust from bread and tear bread into small pcs. Place in bowl and sprinkle with stock or possibly water.
- Shell and devein shrimp. Wash and pat dry. Chop shrimp and pork fat together till they form a smooth paste.
- Combine bread, shrimp mix, water chestnuts, salt, ginger and egg yolk and mix thoroughly. Beat egg white to a froth with fork and stir into shrimp mix.
- Have shrimp mix, a bowl of cool water, a baking pan lined with double thickness of paper towels and oil within easy reach.
- To cook: Preheat oven to lowest setting. Pour 3 c. oil into 12 inch wok or possibly large deep fryer and heat till haze forms above it or possibly it reaches 350 degrees on thermometer. Take a handful of the shrimp mix and squeeze fingers into a fist, forcing the mix up between thumb and forefinger. When it forms balls about the size of a walnut, use a spoon to scopp off the ball and drop it into the warm oil. Repeat till you have made 6 to 8 balls, dipping the spoon into the cool water to prevent sticking. Turn the balls with a slotted spoon to keep them apart as they fry. They should become golden brown in 2 to 3 min. Transfer balls to paper lined baking dish to drain and keep hot in the oven while frying the rest. Transfer balls to heated platter and serve.