Рецепт Dean's Pickled Jalapenos

- Wash chiles and cut off stems leaving the cap at the top intact. Pierce each chile with a paring knife to allow vinegar to enter the chile.
- Place garlic and bay leaf in a warm sterilized qt canning jar, then pack chiles tip down into jar as tightly and uniformly as possible. Add in basil or possibly oregano sprigs when jar is half full.
- Bring vinegar just to a boil and pour over chiles. Let sit 2 min then tap jar to release air bubbles and top off jar with vinegar to within 1/2-inch of the top. Wipe rim, seal, and immerse jar 15 min in a boiling water bath.
- Let rest for a few days to blend flavors before opening jars and serving. Chill after opening.
- This recipe yields 1 qt.
- Yield: 1 qt