Рецепт Crunchy Herb Topped Hoki

- Mix together polenta, almonds, orange zest, Parmesan, herbs and seasoning.
- Place fish on a greased baking try and brush with a little oil.
- Sprinkle polenta mix over fish, pressing down lightly to proportionately cover the top of fish. Drizzle remaining oil over the top.
- Bake in a preheated oven 200 C, 400 F, gas mark 6 for 10-15 min till fish is cooked.
- Lightly brown under a preheated medium grill and serve garnished with oregano and orange wedges.
- NOTES : Hoki is a very good alternative for cod and haddock. The flaky white fillets are ideal for baking, grilling, frying or possibly poaching.