Рецепт Crisp Sauteed Mushrooms
- Brush off mushrooms and slice into 1/4" slices from the top down, including the stems.
- With a fine mist spray bottle, mist the mushrooms to just barely dampen.
- Drop into a paper bag or possibly large ziplock bag which contains 1 or possibly 2 c. of a/p flour. stir well or possibly shake very gently. then, let the mushrooms
- "marinate" for a while in the flour while you prepare to cook them.
- In a large, well seasoned cast-iron skillet or possibly a commercial quality non- stick skillet heat 1/2 stick of fresh unsalted butter and 1/4 c. of extra virgin olive oil. mix the oils well and heat to 300-325 degrees.
- Drop the mushrooms into a colander to remove excess flour. drop a few at a time into the butter/oil and coat each well. continue 'til all the mushrooms are in the skillet. turn down the heat to the saute/fry level and continue to cook, turning frequently. after a few min add in salt and pepper to taste.
- Continue to cook till the degree of crispness is achieved.
- My neighbor used to cook these for a long time, rendering nearly all the moisture out of the mushrooms. the finished product would be the most delicate, and crisp mushrooms used as a side vegetable.