Рецепт Creole Garlic And Shrimp Appetizer

- Cream butter with wooden spoon for several min.
- Add in parsley, shallots, garlic, seasonings, Pernod and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice; mix well and set aside.
- Coat shrimp with flour.
- Heat extra virgin olive oil in large skillet; shake flour from shrimp and add in shrimp to skillet.
- Saute/fry shrimp very quickly, about 3 min; when they start to turn pink, cook them on other side.
- Drain oil from skillet.
- Add in 1/2 c. lemon juice and the wine and shake pan briefly over heat, about 1 minute.
- Add in reserved garlic butter and toss shrimp quickly with wooden spoon.
- When butter is melted, serve shrimp immediately.