Рецепт Creating Your Own Baking Station {Kitchen Organization}
I'm taking a break from recipes today to talk about kitchen organization.
The above is a picture of my baking station (aka the baking zone).
If you enjoy baking, then creating a specific area in your kitchen for this task will help you tremendously.
How many times have you put an ingredient down on your grocery list because you were certain you didn't have it? You run to the store to purchase it, only to find out a few days later that it was hidden in the back amongst all of your other supplies in your cabinet.
By creating a baking station, you will know where everything is, instead of going through ten thousand different items in four different cabinets. It will save you money and also save you lots of precious time.
A Look Inside My Station:
(not the prettiest or biggest, but we do live on a military base so keep this in mind)
The place in the kitchen where you find yourself doing the most baking is probably where you want your station to be. I use my Kitchen Aid mixer when I bake, so for me, it was just a matter of where I placed my mixer and the cabinet space located above it.
I'm going to break it down shelf by shelf for ya:
I'm a short person (think 5'4") so of course I'm going to place all the baking ingredients that I use on a regular basis on the bottom shelf.
Items include (but not limited to):
granulated white sugar, all purpose flour, self-rising flour, cake flour, bread flour (not pictured), Crisco,
Bakers Joy, baking soda, baking powder, ground cinnamon, chocolate chips, etc.
When we first moved into this house, I had everything sprawled out inside the cabinets. There was no rhyme, reason, or method to it. It was driving me nuts trying to find certain items, so I searched Pinterest for some organizing ideas. The idea of using a lazy susan to house small ingredients kept popping up.
So I took my butt to Wal-Mart and purchased a few of them.
I installed them inside the cabinet and presto….I can find what I need without the hassle of going through ten thousand different ingredients. Plus, I just love spinning it around :)
There's not a lot of wiggle room on the second shelf, so I decided to place all my baking spices, extracts, and different types of sugar that wouldn't fit on the bottom shelf onto this one….
The very top shelf houses those baking items that I rarely use, but still would like to keep out. It's shaped at a weird angle so space is pretty limited up there, however, I was able to install another lazy susan as well.
And there you have it my friends…your own personal baking station…
The military is supposed to move us again in another 3 years, but you can bet that in our next house, I will be setting up a station there as well ;)
Do you have a specific area in your kitchen made just for baking? If you do, tell us about it.