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Рецепт Cream Cheese Cranberry Bread Recipe
by Julie Evink

Cream Cheese Cranberry Bread Recipe ~ Amazingly Soft and Tender Quick Bread Stuffed with Tart Cranberries!

Cranberries. Love them or hate them? I’m kind of love them one time, pass on them another time. I love this Crock Pot Cranberry Pork Loin because of the savory flavors that don’t over power and then we have this every popular Cranberry Cream Cheese Dip that is HOT on Pinterest right now! And, let’s get real, we are never going to turn down some cookies, especially Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Why won’t we turn down cookies? Because they make everything better. For example when you are going through a funk like me right now. It’s bad. Real bad. I don’t know if I’m stressed, overworked, or what, but I just can not find my groove. Maybe it’s just a serious case of PMS? Lovely lady things like that rock don’t they? I’m feeling tired, cranky and unmotivated to do pretty much anything and I’m hoping it changes real fast like. It does not help winter is coming because that always makes things dull and dreary in my opinion!

So what do you do when you get in these funks? We all have them.

I’m envisioning a spa day with one of my best girlfriends, lunch out, coming home to a clean house and a full bank account. Ok, maybe that last part was just a little bit to hopeful! It would be nice though wouldn’t it? It would relieve a lot of the pressures we all face in our lives. I could totally make the spa and lunch day happen though couldn’t I?

Then I enter the Mom guilt into the equation. That battle is a battle. I work full time so I don’t see the kiddos much during the week and then to think of leaving for a day on the weekend or heaven forbid the entire weekend like I’m doing this coming weekend I have anxiety. First of all my hubs is left with the kids all weekend and he needs a break too so is that fair? Then, of course, the kids miss me, but really do they? Well, obviously a little bit but they are resilient and let’s face it sometimes Dad’s more fun! I’m guessing there’s going to be a whole lot of pizza and hot dogs and mac and cheese in their future this weekend. Along with Ranger rides and going to Grandpa’s house for a sleep over with Auntie since she’s home. Really, I don’t think they are going to miss me at all!

So maybe I think it’s far more of a big deal than it actually is! Apparently, I need to get my undies out of a wad and enjoy my weekend away at my photography workshop. Let’s focus on that!

And maybe I need a few more slices of this delicious Cranberry Cream Cheese Bread in my life to sweeten it up. I adore quick bread recipes and this one is delicious. The cream cheese adds a richness to it and it’s not crumbly at all due to this. It’s pretty much perfectly sweet and delicious with the addition of the tart cranberries bursting in your mouth!

Cream Cheese Cranberry Bread Recipe



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large mixing bowl cream together butter, cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

In another bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt. Slowly mix into wet batter until combined. Fold in cranberries and nuts.

Fill greased loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.



Things You Might Need for this Recipe!

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