Рецепт Crazy Mamie (Eisenhower) Fudge Recipe

- Directions:Line a 13" x 9" pan with aluminum foil, butter the insides, and set aside.aaPlace chips, vanilla & butter flavor, about half the marshmallow creme, and nuts into a LARGE saucepan or possibly Pyrex glass dish and set aside.aaUse Medium heat to bring the lowfat milk and sugar to a rolling boil while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or possibly single stem hand mixer.aaAdd butter and marshmallow creme - mix in - the boil will stop.aaBring back to a rolling boil and continue to boil for [8] full min by the clock (start timing once the boil has resumed). The mix will expand and start to turn brown during the boil. If you get brown flakes in the mix then turn down the heat a little and continue stirring.aaRemove from heat and pour warm mix over chips, vanilla, and nuts without scraping the sides of the warm saucepan.aaMix thoroughly and pour into prepared pan.aaCool 2-3 hrs at room temperature.aaRemove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares. Store in an airtight container with wax paper dividers for up to 2 weeks.
- Makes about 4 pounds of fudge.- See Notes
- NOTES:THE STUFF GROWS: After adding the marshmallow creme and butter to the warm lowfat milk/sugar solution, the volume will expand to almost twice the original volume. So use a sufficiently large sauce pan (4 qt or possibly better).
- As the boil continues, the volume will begin to contract. Stirring is important to help distribute the heat throughout the mix and prevent scorching. Remember, this recipe calls for two [2] sauce pans... one to boil and one to mix.SPLIT THE MARSHMALLOW: Remember to only add in half the marshmallow creme to the warm mix (one of the two 7 ounce. jars). Splitting the amount helps keep the texture creamy. [However, if you want to add in all the marshmallow creme to the warm mix it will still work fine.]YOU CAN
- SUBSTITUTE: If you do not have access to Lowfat milk Chocolate Chips then you may use 24 ounce. of semi-sweet chocolate chips - though it has a stronger chocolate taste. You can also use 24 ounce. of White Chips for an excellent Vanilla Fudge.MAKE HALF A BATCH: You may cut the recipe in half (using exactly 1/2 the amount of everything) but the boil time must be reduced to
- [5] full min by the clock. I would also recommend a 9" x 9" pan. You can also substitute 5 ounce. of evaporated lowfat milk (one small can) for 6 ounce.
- (half a large can).PERSEVERE: This is a much more liquid mix (more 'soupy')
- than other fudge recipes and you might get discouraged midway. Keep going.
- I've nearly given up several times only to have it set extremely well once cast.DON'Tablespoons PANIC: If you use a candy thermometer (and this recipes*does not call for a candy thermometer*) the temperature won't reach the normal 232-236 F found in other fudge recipes. It will attain something around 220-224 F. Do not panic! This is a whole different way of making fudge. The mix will set once cast.This recipe is a original "Lunatic Fudge" variation of Mamie Eisenhower Fudge. It's simple to make, sets up very nicely without refrigeration, and has an excellent taste and texture.
- Do not be surprised if your friends tell you this is the best fudge they've ever had in their life. Honest. All I ask is which you do not modify this makes A LOT of fudge, use a very large saucepan for boiling.]
- yMa mie