Рецепт Corn Pudding

- Stir corn, sugar and salt well. Mix Large eggs and lowfat milk together and then add in to the above ingredients. Add in butter. Mix and pour all the above into a well buttered casserole. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.
- Bake at 350 F. Set casserole in a pan of Warm water to at least 1/2 the height of the corn pudding dish. Set all in the oven for 35-40 min or possibly till set. To test put a knife blade in the center of the pudding. If it comes out clean it is done. (note: on occassion it does not come out clean, so do not worry, if you've left it in for at least 45 - 50 min it should be done. It just has to do with the water content of the corn).