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Рецепт Cookie Butter Caramel Swirled Brownies #SundaySupper
by Grumpy's Honeybunch

Cookie Butter Caramel Swirled Brownies #SundaySupper

May 29, 2016 by Shelby Leave a Comment

Cookie Butter Caramel Swirled Brownies are fudgy squares of chewy chocolate swirled with a cookie butter caramel adding another texture of chewy! Delicious and addicting, you will not regret making these!

Potluck brings back memories of family reunions, church picnics, and get togethers at the beach when I was a young girl. Now that the kids are grown and moved away and we aren’t as close to our families anymore, I really miss those days. Potluck means your taking a chance that a dish that someone is bringing to your gathering will be good. More often than not, you leave a potluck dinner with a new recipe in hand that you have to make yourself because it was so delicious! This week the Sunday Supper Tastemakers are sharing Summer’s Best Potluck Dishes with you. I guarantee you’re bound to see several you must make!

Thanks to T.R. of Gluten Free Crumbley for hosting this week’s event!

When I think of potluck I usually think casseroles or big salads. Those are easy to carry and share and you can make a LOT of food! I also think dessert like cookies, bars, or cupcakes. Dessert that is easy to eat with your fingers, no utensils needed! My favorite of all desserts to take to a potluck is the fudgey brownie.

I have a basic brownie recipe that I always use when making brownies. It’s the best one I have ever encountered and just as easy as opening a box. I also like to doctor my brownies up and this time I decided to do it with a cookie butter caramel!

I’m so in love with cookie butter! I was talking to T.R. about the brownies this week and he said he had never had it. I snapped a shot of the ingredient list so he could see and his response was, it’s basically flour and sugar! lol Oh well, it’s still ah-mazing! If you haven’t tried it, then you really should find some and dig in with a spoon. Seriously!

The cookie butter caramel was homemade by making a caramel sauce then stirring in some cookie butter. If you don’t want to take the time to make your own caramel, you can easily just take about 1/2 cup caramel topping that has been heated up and stir in the cookie butter until smooth. Easy peasy!

Just one of these brownies will have you craving more. While they are sweet, they are hard to stop eating. You will definitely be the star at your potluck if you take these brownies!

Be sure to check out the links below the recipe to see what other SundaySupper Tastemakers brought to our virtual potluck!

Cookie Butter Caramel Swirled Brownies #SundaySupper Author: Grumpy's Honeybunch Serves: 36 Ingredients

Cookie Butter Caramel: ½ cup heavy cream ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup water ½ cup smooth or crunchy cookie butter 1 tablespoon corn syrup Pinch sea salt ⅛ teaspoon vanilla extract Brownie Batter: 1 cup butter, melted 3 cups white sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 4 eggs 1½ cups all-purpose flour 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 teaspoon salt Instructions

Bring the cream to a simmer over low heat in a small saucepan. Combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan over high heat and cook without stirring until amber brown. Slowly whisk in the warm cream until smooth and let cook for 1 minute. When you stir the cream into the caramelized sugar, it will bubble furiously. Don’t let this scare you, just keep stirring. Remove from the heat and whisk in the peanut butter, corn syrup, sea salt and ⅛ teaspoon of vanilla extract until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and let cool until thickened at room temperature, about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350. Prepare 9 X 13 pan by lining with tinfoil. Spray tinfoil with cooking spray. set aside. In medium sized bowl, stir sugar into melted butter. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing until well blended. Add vanilla extract. Set aside. In separate bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder, salt, and chocolate. Fold into wet ingredients. Pour into 9X13 pan. Drop 8 tablespoons cookie butter caramel on top of brownie batter. Drag knife through batter and caramel to swirl. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Cool completely before cutting. Notes If you do not want to make your own caramel, substitute ½ homemade caramel sauce and heat it up until hot. Stir in cookie butter until smooth. Proceed with recipe. 3.5.3208


Sides and Salads

The Main


Plus Lemon Yogurt Pound Cake and Best Potluck Dishes from Sunday Supper Movement

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