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Рецепт Comfort Cooking, British Style.
by Mary Cokenour

Now I happen to be a fan

of recipes originating from the United Kingdom, and I am generally referring to

England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland (some areas that the Utah pioneers were

from); not all the other countries that were invaded and/or annexed while the

Brits were out conquering the world. Many times I have heard that the food from

these countries is boring and bland, but I do not happen to agree. One huge

mistake many Americans make when traveling to foreign countries is to compare

"American food" with that country's food. It is a big mistake for

what we refer to as “American food” is a mixture of so many cuisines, so how

can we really judge our food against the common food of another country? I have

even met people who refuse to eat the food when in a foreign country and will

only eat "Americanized" food prepared in their hotels. Ridiculous!

They might as well have just stayed at home and gone to the local diner for

vacation, saving money on airfare.

I have a friend who would

make authentic scones for us whenever we visited her back in Pennsylvania. How

were they authentic? She is from Yorkshire, England, so I believe she knows

what she is doing in the respect of English cooking. I am also a big fan of

many of the British chefs, so not only do I have cookbooks, but I watch their

shows intently to make sure I get a recipe correct. While they may often delve in the realm of

“haute cuisine”; the basis of their recipes is the comfort cooking they were

raised on.

Onto scones which

originated in Scotland, made from unleavened oats and cooked on a griddle. With

the invention of baking powder, scones could now be baked; the Brits sweetened

them up a bit with the inclusion of sugar and fruits. Nowadays, scones can be

sweet, savory, herbal and/or cheesy; they can be served at any meal, or just

make a handy little snack. The traditional wedges are still popular, but they

can also be baked much like a drop cookie; they are not as pretty as the

wedges, but still taste wonderful.

Pumpkin Cranberry

Cold weather, while

invigorating, also brings images of being bundled up in a warm blanket, perhaps

a mug of hot chocolate soothing the trembles. For hubby and me though, we enjoy

hot cups of tea with warm scones to munch on at our leisure. We put on our

English accents, which we do quite well, and pretend to be in our lovely

cottage in a quaint little village. Oh, you might be saying, "that is too

silly for me" or "seriously?", but for us, the role play keeps

the relationship fresh, new and adventurous. If more married couples indulged

in each other, instead of everyone and everything else around them, the rate of

divorce would certainly decline.

However, I digress once again, this post is about scones, not

relationship counseling.

Cinnamon Oatmeal with Raisins

I am going to be giving

you a basic recipe for scones including a few ideas for different flavorings.

What you do for your taste is exactly that, for your taste; so play with the

basics and enjoy the results.

Basic Mix

and 3 Tbsp. light brown sugar to the dry ingredients.

Chocolate Chip Wedge SconeMary Cokenour