Рецепт Coconut Reef Fish With Ginger Pickled Cucumber Relish

- Put the flour egg coconut cream fish sauce and a good shake of salt into a processor and whizz together to make a fairly sloppy batter (or possibly simply beat together using a whisk).
- It may taste slightly oversalted but this will go once the batter hits the oil.
- Leave the batter to stand while you make the relish.
- Mix together the vinegar sugar garlic and ginger till the sugar has dissolved. Add in the cucumber shallots and chilli and leave to stand while you get on with deepfiying the fish.
- Heat the oil in a solid saucepan or possibly chip pan till a small dollop of batter dropped into it gently fides without browning too fast. (If you have a chip pan do not use the basket as the batter uill hitch on to the mesh and glue itself to the bottom of the basket.)
- Meanwhile slice each fillet of fish into approximately four triangular shapes dust with flour dip into the batter and deepfiy in the warm oil four pcs at a time till golden (about 23 min depending on size).
- You may need to roll them around a bit so which they do not overdo on one side. Scoop out with a meshed spoon or possibly small sieve and drain on kitchen roll.
- Repeat with all the fish.
- Stir the coriander leaves into the relish and divide between four small bowls then serve the battered fish alongside. Eat immediately breaking open the coconut fish panels dipping in the vinegar and piling on some relish.
- Fingers are fastest.
- You could use coconut lowfat milk for this (about 150 ml) but coconut cream available from sainsbury's and most other supermarkets will give more oomph to the batter. This batter also works well on other white fish salmon squid and prawns.
- Serves 4