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Рецепт Clean Eating Turkey and Black Bean Tacos
by Dani Spies

Clean Eating Turkey and Black Bean Tacos

Turkey + Black Bean Tacos – Clean & Delicious®

I could not let Cinco de Mayo come and go without sharing this super simple taco recipe with you guys!

Now I love myself a fiesta, but this year, Cinco De Mayo falls on a Tuesday (read: school night) so while I wanted to be festive I also wanted to keep things extremely easy.

The entire recipe can be on the table in 20 minutes (30 if you want to chop up some fresh veggies for toppings) and is family friendly. I like serving everything in separate bowls so my kids can build their own tacos. I have found that giving them the opportunity to be in charge of what goes on their plate actually makes them more willing to try new foods.

You’ll also notice that I add the onions and peppers right at the end of the recipe (a lot of recipes add that at the beginning). I do this on purpose because I like them to maintain their color and crunch, it keeps the overall flavor of the meal lighter and fresher.

Clean Eating Turkey and Black Bean Tacos

Yield: 12 Tacos

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes



Optional Toppings: lettuce, tomato, jalapeno, avocado, cheese, greek yogurt

Wrap tortillas in foil and heat in a 350-degree oven for 10-15 minutes or until warmed through.

Heat a medium sauté pan over a medium high heat and add olive oil. Once the oil has heated, add the turkey and season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

Continuously stir the turkey until it has all broken down and is opaque on the outside.

Add taco seasoning and water and stir until all the turkey is coated with the seasoning.

Stir in black beans, onions, and peppers. Cook for another 5 minutes until everything has heated through.

Scoop filling into your taco shell and top with your favorite taco toppings (I love avocado, tomato and jalapenos!). Enjoy.

Nutritional Analysis

Nutrients for 2 tacos (toppings not included): Calories: 253; Total Fat: 2g; Saturated Fat: 0.3g; Cholesterol: 37mg; Carbohydrate: 35.3g; Dietary Fiber: 6.3g; Sugars: 2.3g; Protein: 24g