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Рецепт Clean Eating Traditional Egg Salad
by Tiffany @ The Gracious Pantry

Now that I eat clean AND low carb, a whole new world has opened up for me. I don’t have to feel guilty about eating fat because my body uses it for fuel. It’s a beautiful thing when you can enjoy mayo and still lose weight!

You see, after my mom got sick, I sort of went down the junk food rabbit hole for a couple months. I was eating to survive, which for me meant a lot of food from the freezer section at Trader Joe’s. As a result, I slowly felt my jeans become tighter and tighter.

But I managed to eventually regain some control and routine in my life once I got moved in with mom. And thankfully, fell back into my eating plan pretty quickly. Feels good to be losing again, even if I am having to lose the same pounds over again. At least the jeans are getting loose!

One of the interesting things I discovered was that dairy was a HUGE contributor to my weight gain. I toyed around with eating dairy while I ate low carb at first. (If you know anything about most low carb programs, you know that dairy plays a big role.) But I eventually realized that dairy was still a huge issue for me and once I got rid of it, I started losing weight again. It was pretty eye opening for me. So now the dairy is gone for good along with caffeine and the majority of my carbs. The results have been magical! I can actually say I don’t NEED coffee! (Although I do miss the flavor).

And one of the nice parts about being able to enjoy more fat in my diet is that I can enjoy things like clean mayo without feeling any guilt at all. It’s been fantastic! And my blood work is getting better with every blood test I take! Who am I to argue?


Clean Eating Traditional Egg Salad



Remove the shells from your eggs and chop them into small pieces.

Place the chopped eggs, mayo and onions in a medium mixing bowl and mix until well combined.

Add salt to taste if needed, but it’s pretty tasty without!

Number of servings (yield): A scant 3 cups