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Рецепт Clean Eating Chocolate Bottomed Fig & Oat Bars
by Tiffany @ The Gracious Pantry

When I first started eating clean, my biggest worry was giving up dessert. I couldn’t fathom the idea of having dinner without a sweet followup. So in an effort to not feel deprived, I created a lot of clean dessert recipes when I first started blogging, as you can see from my dessert section!

I don’t do a ton of dessert recipes anymore. I still enjoy dessert, of course. But these days, dessert isn’t an absolute. I have dessert maybe once or twice per month instead of once per day. Definitely a move in the right direction!

But with the holidays coming up (yes, I said it…) it kinda goes without saying that some desserts are in tall order. So when my landlord brought me 8 beautiful figs from her mother’s tree, I got in the kitchen and got creative. This was the result!


Clean Eating Chocolate Bottomed Fig & Oat Bars

(Makes 49 squares)


In a food processor, blend together the figs, almonds, oil, cinnamon, vanilla extract and honey, until you have a lumpy mush. Sounds awful, but that pretty much describes it. It’s okay if a few of the almonds don’t get blended in completely.

Transfer this mixture to a large mixing bowl and stir in the oats. Stir in the raisins and chia seeds as well if desired.

Press the mixture into a parchment lined baking dish or cake pan (mine was 8×8). Be sure the surface is pressed down flat. A spatula works well for this. You want an even surface with no openings on the sides or corners. It should be flush up against the parchment/side of pan.

In a medium pot, melt all the chocolate bottom ingredients together until fully melted and combined. Do NOT do this over high heat. You don’t want to burn the chocolate. Allow to cool slightly.

Pour the chocolate over the top of the bars and immediately place them in the refrigerator. Chill for at least 2 hours.

Remove from fridge, lift the bars out of the pan by pulling on the parchment. Set on an even cutting surface.

Cut the bars 6 times each way to get 49 squares. They should be approximately 3/4 inch to get that number, give or take.

Transfer the bars back into the dish or onto a small cookie sheet. Anything flat you can put in the freezer will work. Freeze for 2 hours, and then transfer to a storage container. Keep in freezer for up to 4 months. You can serve these directly from the freezer. Just be sure the container is airtight to avoid freezer burn.

Sprinkle tops with a tiny bit of sea salt when servings.

Nutritional Content:

(Data is for 1 square)

Calories: 85

Total Fat: 6 gm

Saturated Fats: 3 gm

Trans Fats: 0 gm

Cholesterol: 0 mg

Sodium: 0 mg

Carbohydrates: 9 gm

Dietary fiber: 1 gm

Sugars: 4 gm

Protein: 1 gm

Please Note: Nutritional information estimated at MyFitnessPal.com. Data may not be accurate and is subject to the availability of specific foods in their database. Where one ingredient is not listed, substitutions must be used. Therefore, you should not refer to this data as being exact. It’s more of a ballpark figure. The Gracious Pantry does not take responsibility for the inadequacies of the nutrition calculator used. This data is provided as a courtesy and general reference only. It is not exact.