Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Cinnamon Roll Casserole".

Рецепт Cinnamon Roll Casserole
by CookingLib

I know what you are thinking.

How can cinnamon rolls possibly turn into a casserole? Up until recently, I have never heard of such a thing. I found this recipe on Pinterest and pinned it mostly out of curiosity. I decided to make it because, well, it just looked to darn good to pass up.

Before you even say a word....

Yes...it requires a can of *gasp* premade cinnamon rolls.

However...and this is a BIG however...I do not see why you can't try to make it with homemade cinnamon rolls.

We made ours with the premade rolls because...well...that's how I do it in my kitchen.

Feel free to knock yourselves out and try it with a homemade recipe though ;)

This casserole has everything that your sweet tooth would desire....cinnamon rolls, eggs, vanilla, nuts, and syrup. Sooooo good and so heavenly delicious.

It has made it into our family favorites file and I hope it makes it into yours as well :)

Cinnamon Roll Casserole

(serves 8-10)



1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (or however long it states for your homemade recipe).

2. Pour melted butter into ungreased 13x9 inch glass baking dish.

3. Separate both cans of dough into 16 rolls; set icing aside

4. Cut each roll into 5 pieces and place pieces over butter in dish.

5. In a medium bowl, beat eggs. Beat in cream, cinnamon, and vanilla until well blended. Gently pour over roll pieces. Sprinkle with pecans and drizzle with the maple syrup.

6. Bake 20 to 28 minutes or until golden brown. Cool for 15 minutes.

7. Remove cover from icing and microwave on medium heat for 10 to 15 seconds or until thin enough to drizzle.

8. Drizzle icing over the top.

**Libby's Notes: We halved the ingredients and it came out really well. If you are not looking for lots of left overs, cutting it half would be a good idea.

Recipe Source: From the blog, The Dishy Decorator. Original recipe here.