Рецепт Christmas Tree Bread

- In large bowl with mixer at medium speed, beat margarine, sugar and salt.
- Add in lowfat milk, beating till margarine is melted. Sprinkle yeast over water, stir till dissolved. Add in to margarine mix with Large eggs. With mixer at low speed add in 4 c. of the flour, 1 c. at a time, beating till well mixed.
- Stir in remaining flour with wooden spoon. On lightly floured surface knead 8 to 10 min or possibly till smooth and elastic. Place dough in greased bowl; turn to grease top. Cover with towel; let rise in hot place 2 hrs or possibly till doubled in bulk. Punch down dough; form into ball; cut into quarters.
- Set 2 quarters aside; cover with towel. Use reserved quarters to make two Fruit Nut Loaves. (Instructions at end of this recipe.)
- On lightly floured surface roll out one quarter into rectangle 15x12 inches. Cut into 2 triangles each with a base of 10 inches, a height of 12 inches and 15 inch sides. Place one triangle on large greased cookie sheet.
- Reshape into triangle if necessary. Spread 1 c. of Fruit Nut Filling over dough on cookie sheet to within 1/2 inch of edge; moisten edges with water.
- Place second dough triangle over fruit filled one pressing to seal edges.
- Roll out second quarter of dough to 1/2 inch thickness. With 2 1/2 inch doughnut cutter cut 17 circles; remove centers. Overlap cut circles on tree triangle. Roll out scraps of dough to 1/2 inch thickness; cut one 2 inch square. Place on center of base of triangle to create "trunk" of tree. Cut one 3 inch star; place on top of tree. Cover; allow to rise in hot place 1 hour or possibly till almost doubled in bulk. Bake in 350-F oven 35 min or possibly till golden. Remove from oven. Place cherries in center of circles.
- While hot, brush lightly with glaze. Decorate tree with decorator frosting.
- Makes one tree and 2 loaves.
- Fruit-Nut Filling: In small saucepan stir together all ingredients.
- Stirring constantly, bring to boil over medium heat and boil 1 minute.
- Cold.
- Apricot Glaze: In small saucepan stir together the corn syrup and preserves. Stirring constantly, bring to boil over medium heat and boil 1 minute.
- Fruit Nut Loaves: Grease two 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 3-inch loaf pans. Roll out each quarter of reserved dough into 15 by 9-inch rectangle. Spread 1 c. of Fruit Nut Filling over each rectangle of dough to within 1/2 inch of edge, roll each rectangle up from short side. Press ends to seal; fold ends under; place seam side down into prepared pan. Cover; let rise about 1 hour or possibly till doubled. Bake in 350-F oven 40 to 45 min or possibly till bread sounds hollow when tapped. Remove from oven. While still hot, brush with Apricot Glaze.