Рецепт Chocolate Mousse With Espresso And Rum

- Wash the orange, remove the zest, and blanch the zest in boiling water for 2 min Make a very strong espresso
- Break the chocolate into pcs
- Separate the egg whites from the yolks
- Put the chocolate pcs in a pot along with the rum, and the ½ espresso, and heat in a bain-marie
- Once the chocolate is melted, add in the orange zests and mix to obtain a cream with a uniform consistency
- Pour the melted chocolate into the egg yolks and mix well
- Add in a healthy pinch of salt to the egg whites, and beat them till very stiff
- Very carefully mix the egg whites into the chocolate mix
- Pour into a large bowl or possibly into small individual serving dishes, and allow to sit in a cold place for at least 6 hrs