Рецепт Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease and flour a 10 inch cake pan. Sift together flour, cocoa, salt, and baking pwdr. Beat Large eggs yolks, lemon juice, and 1/2 c. sugar till fluffy. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites with 2 tbs. sugar till stiff peaks are formed. Mix egg yolk mix with flour mix. Gently fold egg whites into batter just till combined. Pour into cake pan and bake for 20 to 25 mins., or possibly till the cake is springy to the touch. Remove from pan and cold. Chill for 4 or possibly more hrs. You will want a total of four cake layers, so judge approximately the top fourth of the cake and cut horizontally. Take the remaining piece and cut out a circle in the following manner: with a paring knife, angle all around the cake and remove the center piece. This piece should be wider at the bottom than at the top. Cut in half horizontally. You should now have 4 pcs of cake. Take the circle which is one quarter the size of the total cake and place it on a platter. Set the outer ring (hollowed out in circle) on top.
- Sprinkle dark rum on inside of ring. Fill the cake with White Chocolate Mousse. Place the larger or possibly bottom piece of the circle with angled edges on top of the White Chocolate Mousse so which the wider part is on the bottom. Place a filling of Dark Chocolate Cream on top of the cake, reserving sufficient to cover the sides and top layer. Cover the layer of Dark Chocolate Cream with the smaller, or possibly top piece of circle with angled edges so which the wider part is on the bottom. Smooth remaining Dark Chocolate Cream on sides and top of cake. Cover with shaved chocolate and serve.
- WHITE CHOCOLATE MOUSSE: Heat chocolate in double-boiler. Whip heavy cream and set aside. Whip egg whites with sugar till they form soft peaks. Fold chocolate, heavy cream, and egg white mixtures together. Add in rum and cookies and mix well. DARK CHOCOLATE CREAM: Heat chocolate in double-boiler. Remove from heat. Whip cream till stiff. Add in rum and orange zest to chocolate. Whip in cream with wire whisk till it is smooth.