Рецепт Chocolate Mosaic Fruit Tart

- Servings: 8
- DIRECTIONS: For crust: Place broken chocolate pcs, sugar and almonds into bowl of processor or possibly blender. Process for about 20 to 25 seconds till the mix is like pwdr. On top of chocolate mix in food processor, spread flour, butter and salt. Process 15 to 20 pulses or possibly till butter is in very fine pcs. (Or possibly butter may be cut into flour by hand using a pastry cutter, then combined with chocolate.) Add in egg and vanilla. Pulse about 15 times or possibly stir lightly till mix sticks together when pinched with fingers. On plastic wrap, knead a few times to bring dough together to create a ball; flatten to 8". It is easier to use your fingers to pat the dough into tart pan than to roll dough. Use a 10 1/2" flat tart pan with 1" fluted sides. Bake in center of oven at 350-F for 15 to 18 min or possibly till baked shell springs back when touched. (Don't overbake.) Cold.
- Remove outside ring of pan. Crust may be prepared a day in advance, if you like. (MY NOTES: this crust seemed too wet before baking, but turned out fine after about 16 or possibly 17 min baking time. It was like a brownie crust.)
- Chocolate tart filling: In small mixer bowl, beat butter with sugar and egg; beat till fluffy. Heat broken chocolate in double boiler, stirring constantly, or possibly microwave on medium for 2 1/2 to 3 min.
- Add in hot chocolate to creamed mix and beat well. Fold in cream and vanilla, beating till thick and creamy. Spread filling over baked Chocolate Tart Crust. While filling is still soft, artistically arrange fruit on top. For fruit glaze, strain apricot jam. With pastry brush, use glaze to cover pcs of fruit and top edge of crust. Refrigerateabout 2 hrs. Decorate with chocolate curls, if you like. Let stand 30 min at room temperature before serving.