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Рецепт Chocolate Bavarois With Deconstructed Pear Crumble Recipe
by Tandy Sinclair

Tom Kitchin, the one star Michelin Chef from Scotland, was my inspiration for this dish for round 5 of the Freshly Blogged competition. Dave and I met Tom last year when we went to eat at The Kitchin, and I have a signed copy of his recipe book. Tom believes in cooking regional and seasonal produce, which echoes with my blog philosophy. In his book From Nature To Plate, I was introduced to bavarois, a custard based dessert. This is set using gelatine and cream. With cream not being one of our pantry ingredients I knew I would have a challenge on my hands. I am also not used to working with gelatine powder so this was a double challenge for me. The custard has a hint of chocolate and you can taste the Amarula, so that worked out really well. The pears are soft and succulent and the dessert is tied together with the crumble, with the salt making it zing.

Chocolate Bavarois With Deconstructed Pear Crumble Recipe


For the bavarois


For the bavarois

Spray 4 dariole moulds with spray and cook

Heat the milk in a sauce pan over a medium heat

Whisk together the sugar and egg yolks until at a ribbon stage

Slowly pour the milk over the eggs, whisking continuously

Return the mix to the sauce pan and whisk on the heat for 5 minutes

Remove from the heat and pass through a sieve

Whisk the chocolate in and once melted whisk in the Amarula

Leave to cool while you whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks

Whisk in the gelatine and leave to cool completely

Gently whisk in the egg whites and pour into the moulds

Leave to set in the fridge for 45 minutes

For the crumble

Preheat the oven to 180°Celsius

Toss the crackers, almond and icing sugar together

Mix in the egg white

Spread out on a lined baking tray and bake for 8 minutes

Crush the ingredients in a pestle and mortar

Stir in the salt

For the caramelized pears

Melt the butter in a large frying pan over a medium heat

Add the sugar and leave it to dissolve

Cut each pear quarter into 4 slices

Cook the pear in the caramel for about 10 minutes, until soft, turning often

Place into sprayed ring moulds and leave to cool in the fridge

To serve

Tip the bavarois onto a plate and carefully lift the mould

Remove the ring mould from the pears and cut the pears in half

Place the pears onto the plate

Sprinkle with a generous helping of the crumble



Recipe from Lavender & Lime Blog ALL RIGHTS RESERVED http://tandysinclair.com

Disclaimer: This challenge was sponsored by Amarula for the Freshly Blogged Challenge. This disclaimer is in line with my blogging policy.

What I blogged:


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About Tandy

I am a foodie who is passionate about regional and seasonal produce. I live in a cottage by the sea with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.