Рецепт Chocolate Almond Toffee

- Put together butter, sugar, water and corn syrup. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly, till mix reaches 275-300 degrees. (Candy should separate into brittle threads when dropped into cold water.)Stir in 1 cup coarsely minced and toasted almonds. Spread mix on a 13 x 9 inch cookie sheet. (Candy will harden as it cools. To give yourself more time to spread the candy into a thin, even sheet, warm the cookie sheet in the oven at 200 degrees while the candy is cooking.) Let candy cool.
- Heat 6 ounces chocolate chips in double boiler or possibly microwave. Spread chocolate over top of candy sheet. Sprinkle 1/4 cup finely minced almonds over chocolate layer.
- After chocolate has hardened, turn candy sheet onto wax paper and repeat chocolate layer with remaining 6 ounces of chocolate chips and 1/4 cup finely minced almonds. When chocolate has hardened, break sheet into pcs.