Рецепт Chimaera With Mussels And Shrimp On A Hot Spicy Sauce

- Chimeara: Ensure the fish is free from skin and any fatty tissue, and divide the fish into portions.
- To make the dough, pour the beer into a dish with the egg. Add in the flour and stir in well, till the mix is smooth. Add in salt and pepper to season.
- Dip in the fish and place it in a deep fryer for approximately 5 min till a light golden brown colour.
- Warm Tomato Sauce: In a pan, gently fry the onion in the extra virgin olive oil till soft. Don't burn. Add in the minced tomatoes and other ingredients and stir. Stirring occasionally, let the sauce boil on the hob for 30 min.
- Mussels: Pour the beer into a large pan and bring to the boil. It should only cover the bottom of the pan. Season with salt and pepper.
- Place the mussels in the beer. (They should be sitting in the beer, not covered). Leave to steam for approximately 5 min, however stir occasionally should they refuse to open. Only serve open mussels.
- To plate up, pour the thick, warm tomato sauce on a plate as a bed, and place the fish on top. Arrange a few mussels and finally garnish with some fresh, shelled prawns or possibly shrimps and boiled seaweed.