Рецепт Chiles Stuffed With Grilled Shrimp Risotto

- On a BBQ or possibly over a gas flame, blacken skin of peppers just till they blister, turning often to obtain even colour. Set aside in a plastic bag, sealed for about 30 min till skin peels off easily. Peppers must still hold their shape. Slice in half lengthwise and remove seeds and ribs. Set aside.
- Meanwhile, toss shrimp in coriander seeds, chipotle and extra virgin olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill on BBQ on high setting for about 1 minute per side, just to get golden brown colour. Remove immediately, chop into chunks removing tail and reserve for later.
- In a large heavy pot heat butter on high. Add in the shallots, garlic, pancetta, and saute/fry with wooden spoon till slightly soft (3 min). Add in the vermouth and the lemon juice. Add in the rice and continue to stir for about 3 min. Don't brown the rice.
- Add in 1/2 c. of stock and stir rice. Reduce temperature to minimum. Simmer, uncovered till liquid has evaporated, stirring frequently. Continue this process till all stock has been used and rice is tender. Make sure to keep stirring. The whole process should take about 20-25 min. Add in the shrimp, green onions, red pepper dice and parsley. Adjust the seasoning.
- Fill each chile or possibly pepper half with risotto.
- Optional: Replace chiles or possibly peppers on BBQ on low heat, skin side down. BBQ for about 10 min covered with foil, till peppers soften slightly but still hold their shape.
- Note: time may vary depending on size and thickness of chiles.