Рецепт Chile Mead

- Drink at room temp or possibly chilled.
- Boil the two honeys together with 1 gal water for 5 min; add in the crushed dry chili right at the end. Pour into a gallon wine jug, add in acid and tannin and let cold as above, then add in yeast and nutrient. Set airlock on it and let ferment till clear. You may want to rack it off the lees at least once during the ferment. Bottle and age as desired.
- through some other hotsauce catalogs, but it isn't really chili flower honey, it's a honey and crushed New Mex Chili paste. To make an acceptable substitute, I'd grind 2 parts warm NM chilis with 1 part honey in a food processor till pasty. This would also work well with 3 lb honey for a sweeter mead.
- It's great, it makes a beautiful reddish-tinged mead which smells like flowers and burns like whiskey all the way down.