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Рецепт Chickpea Salad with Provençal Herbs and Olives
by Ashley G

Sometimes I will make something not being quite sure The Kid will like it, but really.. who am I kidding? This kid will eat practically anything with very few exceptions. He hemmed and hawed that he didn't like coleslaw only to come home one night from work to a half eaten bowl of coleslaw in the fridge that I made the night before. Well, I was hungry and it was really good. Uh huh.. I know... punk, lol.

I wasn't really sure about the chickpea salad though.. I mean, sure he likes chickpeas and all but I figured I'd give it a go and see what happened.. I mean, it's all about expanding his palate and having him learn to prepare basic recipes that he can make on his own as well as being healthy too.

*if you don't have fresh herbs you can substitute dry, just use half the amount as the fresh.

Recipe adapted from Cooking Light

Combine the first 5 ingredients in a small bowl.

Combine chickpeas and remaining ingredients in a large bowl.

Pour vinegar mixture over salad, tossing gently.