Рецепт Chicken With Pomegranate Sauce

- Wash and prepare the chicken for frying. Saute/fry the chicken with poultrv seasoning and salt and pepper in shortening till Tight brown on all sides, or possibly bake chicken in 350- degree oven for 45 min. Ittit aside. Saute/fry the onions in the butter till golden. Add in tomato sauce and saute/fry for a few minutes- utes. Add in walnuts and saute/fry over a medium fire for about 5 min. Stir constantly and be carelul not to bum the walnuts. Add in water, salt, cinnamon, lemon juice, and pome- granate juice. Cover and let cook on a low fire for about 35 min. Taste the sauce, and if you fnd it a little sour; add in sugar. Arrange the chicken over the sauce. Cover and let sirnrner for 20 to 25 min. Serve with rice.
- Serves 5 to 6. (Note: Inthe Middle East, this is perhaps the favorite dish using
- pomegranates. Wild duck can be substituted for the chicken. So can beef; cut beef in 1-inch cubes and do not use poultry seasoning.)