Рецепт Chicken Stir-Fry with Celery and Green Beans
Chicken Stir-Fry with Celery and Green Beans By Eliot, on June 29th, 2021 I’ve quit my boxed meals subscription again. (I’ve tried Blue Apron and most recently Hello Fresh.) While I would NOT not recommend them to anyone, at some point I just get bored. (Plus the recipes and dishes start to be recycled and too familiar.)
Instead, I decided to try out LocalFarmOK. From what I can gather, it’s a local Oklahoma farm that coops with other farms. Some of these farms are local, some are not. Otherwise, there’s no way that I could get kiwis, pineapples, artichokes and avocados in the bag.
Every two weeks, I place my insulated zipped bag on the doorstep and await the delivery. There’s always butter lettuce (along with other herbs or greens) and then anything from heirloom potatoes, sweet potatoes, celery, carrots, cucumbers, asparagus, brussels sprouts, nectarines, blueberries, etc. It’s really eclectic and delicious. The only time there was ever an issue with quality was once with some nectarines and peaches. I simply let LocalFarmOK know and they comped me some delicious blueberries on the next delivery.
Locally grown butter lettuce.
My intent when I get my bag is to use the contents to make a meal. While I’ve had some hit and misses with my “thrown together” recipes, this one was a hit.
Chicken Stir Fry with Celery and Green Beans
By Debra (based on a recipe found here)
Using what was in the last OK Farm bag (plus some chicken).
2 T. canola oil
1 chicken breast, cut into strips
4 T. balsamic vinegar
4 T. soy sauce
2 T. sriracha
1 T. honey
1 large shallot (about 1/4 cup)
6 celery stalks, trimmed and sliced
1 lb. green beans, trimmed and cut into 1
2 cloves garlic, minced
brown rice
Stir vinegar, soy sauce, sriracha and honey in a small bowl. (Heat honey a bit so that it whisks in easier). Set aside.
Heat 1 T of the oil in a wok over high heat. Stir-fry the chicken, in batches, for 1-2 minutes, until golden. Remove to a plate.
Return the wok to high heat and heat remaining oil. Add shallots and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add celery and beans, and garlic and stir-fry for about 4 minutes, until just tender.
Return chicken to wok with vinegar mixture. Cook for 2-3 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through and coated in the sauce.
Serve with rice.
Love this sauce and will use it in other stir-fries.
I just realized that there are recipes posted each week to go along with the bag’s contents. This week the featured recipe was “Brussels Sprouts Slaw with Ginger Miso Dressing.” Instead, I tried to create “Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Chicken Pasta.”
I made a dijon mustard sauce for the pasta. It was edible but more R&D is needed.
I wonder what’s coming in the next delivery?
Do you have a service like this in your area? Recipes balsamic, brown rice, celery, chicken, green beans, honey, rice, soy sauce, sriracha, stir-fry