Рецепт Chicken Aspic Vegetable Salad

- Place chicken breasts in a kettle. Dissolve bouillon cubes in boiling water; add in to chicken, bring to boil, skim. Add in next 5 ingredients. Cover, bring to boil and simmer till chicken is tender. Cold chicken and broth quickly. Remove skin and bones from chicken breasts (irregular pcs of chicken are combined with vegetables in mold). Skim fat from broth.
- Soften gelatin in 1/4 c. cool water; heat till gelatin is melted then combine with 4 c. broth. Correct seasoning, refrigeratetill syrupy. Add in cooked vegetables and chicken chunks to 3 1/2 c. of the chilled broth. Pour into a 2 qt mold, refrigeratetill set. To remaining 1/2 c. chilled broth add in 1/4 c. mayonnaise, mix till smooth and pour over chicken breasts to glaze them. Decorate each chicken breast with 1/2 black olive, minced parsley and a sprinkling of paprika.
- To serve: Unmold vegetable aspic, garnish with greens. Arrange chicken breasts on platter, garnish with greens and tomato wedges. Makes 6 servings.
- Dressing: Thin remaining 1 c. of mayonnaise with a little chicken broth. Add in lemon juice if you like.
- If broth sets, heat it a little before adding mayonnaise.