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Рецепт Chicken Apple & Cheese Muffins
by Anna Hagen

Monday, March 4, 2013

My Secret Recipe Club assignment this month was to choose a recipe from Aly's blog Cooking in Stilettos. Why is it that everybody but me can come up with such creative blog names? Don't you love that one? There are plenty of great-looking and creative recipes on her blog, and I had a very hard time picking just one!

I thought about Bourbon Molasses Baked Chicken (except that I don't have any of that Bourbon Molasses Mustard - wonder if I could make something similar?) And next time I have apple cider in the house, somebody remind me to make this Bourbon Cider Twist! I am also actually going to make tortillas next time I need some. Yes, I've been planning to do that for ages, but this recipe for the Easiest Ever Homemade Tortillas has me convinced. And there are more, but I had to choose, didn't I? Well, at least for this post. I can always go back....

I ended up modifying the recipe for Apple Cheddar Chicken Muffins, not because it didn't look perfect the way it was, but because I had to substitute some of the ingredients. I substituted 1/2 cup of white wheat flour for part of the white flour, used broccoli instead of arugula, a Braeburn apple instead of Granny Smith, and used a 3-cheese mix instead of Cheddar. Of course, Aly did say to think of this muffin recipe as your “Leftover Muffin Canvas” - so I just did what I was supposed to do!

Chicken Apple & Cheese Muffins

from Cooking in Stilettos



Set aside 1/4 cup of the shredded cheese.

In a large bowl, beat eggs, then mix in oil and milk.

Measure flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, thyme and paprika into bowl on top of wet ingredients. Mix dry ingredients together and then stir into wet ingredients, just until combined.

Fold in the chicken, apple, onions, broccoli and remaining cheese.

Heat the oven to 350º F.

Lightly spray the muffin pans with a non-stick coating spray or lightly grease with butter.

Fill muffin tins about 3/4 full; top each muffin with remaining 1/4 cup cheese.

Bake until golden, about 25 to 35 minutes, and a toothpick inserted in the center of the muffin is clean.

Transfer to a wire rack to cool, and enjoy!

18 muffins

These muffins are great! They make a really nice change from sandwiches. You get your meat, cheese, bread and veggies all in one easy-to-grab package. My husband really enjoyed having them in his lunches. I also sent some to college with my son because he has some long days when he has no time to get anything to eat. He can throw some of these into his bag in the morning and have a handy snack to tide him over until the day is over and he has time to get to the dining hall or back to his dorm.

I'm already thinking of variations - because I will be making these again. I'm thinking something with cornmeal and zucchini would be good.

Chicken Apple & Cheese Muffins


Anna Hagen

broccoli|cheese|chicken|muffins|secret recipe club|