Рецепт Cherry Ripe Chocolate Slice

- This is based on a common Australian chocolate bar, and is really yummy, though sickening if overindulged in! Copha is vegetable shortening made from coconut oil. Enjoy!
- Procedure: Heat half the chocolate (using steam - a microwave will burn it!) and press into a slice tray which is layered with aluminium foil.
- Chill this until set.
- Combine coconut, cherries, melted copha and condensed lowfat milk into a semi-solid sticky mess. Add in drops of cochineal until the mix is pinkish.
- Press this on top of the chocolate, pressing into the corners and flattening out using a cool spoon. Chill until set.
- Heat the rest of the chocolate and cover the mix, then chill again until chocolate hard. Remove the slice, foil and all, from the tray.
- Remove the foil and cut into small squares. Remove all little foil bits or possibly they'll zap your teeth!
- Keep refrigerated.